Sunday, August 8, 2010

DAY 142

Karson had a very busy week last week with seeing specialists and doing his therapy across the street. He loves going outside. When we put him in his wheelchair, we usually keep him in it for around 4 hours and he loves a change of scenery. On Friday, we took him to his neurologist and he put Karson on some new brain stimulating drugs. We should really see them take hold in about a week. The neurologist was impressed by how he followed commands. He isn't able to do much but when you tell him to do something, he does it faster which tells us the brain is mending. Karson is scheduled to have his no. 4 trache (he has a no. 6 in now)to be put in in the morning and if he does well with it, then the respiratory therapist will button it and keep it that way until the later part of the week. If he does well, then, we take the trache out at the end of the week. The botox that we gave Karson in his hands is working well. The therapists are able to work his hands and wrists without to much pain. In a month, they will probably give him a little more botox. This week will be a lot of hard work for Karson to be able to breathe through his mouth and nose all the time which he hasn't been doing for 4 1/2 months. He will also have to swallow, which we have been practicing and he is getting better at. He has always swallowed but sometimes he forgets so we are practicing to do it on command. He is taking small steps to move toward the goal and he will eventually get there. Thanks for all the support. Love to you ALL.


  1. Karson is the strongest person I know... I am so happy for him and his improvements! Can't wait to see him again. I love you all so much! xoxoxo


  2. Karson is one busy, busy guy. Sounds like everyone's hard work, patience, and perseverance is really paying off! We know that this will be another week of improvements and great progress.

    Much love to all of you
    Janice and Dan

  3. Karson,
    We are all cheering you on. Keep up the good work and enjoy the sunshine.
    Chet, Sue and family

  4. Karson,
    It sounds like you have a busy week planned with lots going on. Good luck with the new trache. We are praying for a very successful week of improvements with lots of progress. We hope we can see you on Tuesday when we come up to Kaili's wedding. We love you.
    Aunt Lana

  5. I'm so proud of you Karson for fighting this terrible fight! You are doing so well. Your family loves you so much. We are all praying and rooting for your recovery. May God bless you in the busy week ahead. Sure love you Cuz,

    kiss him for me Suz

  6. Hello Karson, a whirl wind of activity, all good news! It is so great that your specialists are across the street, convient and the trip in the wheel chair is always a fun one, giving a feeling of freedom. Looking forward to the new medicine that your neurologist perscribed, trust that it will bring a big step in your healthy recovery. Keep up the good effort, there are so many positive advancements in your health, am sure that this is giving you a super motivation to work even harder. You are blessed to have such great medicine available to you, professionals in the medical field ready to advise and help and most important, Family and Friends that are with you in true heart and great spirit. You will make a Healthy Recovery Karson, we believe in your ability to overcome all the challenges. Talk with you soon and Do Take Care, Bruce

  7. Karson,
    I am so happy that the new chair is working well for you! You are doing a fabulous job of working hard and staying positive. Karson, you come from such loving parents and a strong line of powerful ancestors that are all helping you to win this battle. Be at peace, and trust that God knows what he is doing. His purposes don't always make sense to us, but I definitely see His power in your life.
    Hope to see you soon,

  8. Sorry Petersons:
    Joe and I have been under the weather so I havnt written lately, but I have watched and I am so excited. It is so remarkably similar to what my Mother went through. I realize that it wasn't as severe but she was 85 years old and not strong like Kars. It took 7 months to get her eating food and talking and another 4 to get on her feet. Thank the lord we found this Brighton Gardens place owned by Marriott. They had way good rehabilitation right in the building. We were very thankful. Hey, we have a big wheel chair ramp and a big sliding door van, if you want to take Kars out. We really don't use the ramp at all, ifn you want to barrow it. We also have my big electric jazzy, when Kars gets better and can drive himself come get it. It just sits in my kitchen. I take the kiddies for a ride around the block cause I cant walk real far. P.s love from big Joey, Mat and A.J. and especially from Maca. Love you Kars you little scalliwag. smooch good bye.....

  9. Karson! So sorry that I haven't posted lately. I am still thinking about you all the time and am so excited by the continued progress. No one is surprised by how hard you are trying and the strong fight you are fighting through all of this. But just because we all knew you had it in you doesn't make it any less impressive or amazing. Keep up the good work! Much love to you and your whole family. I'll come visit again soon!
    Love, Alli

  10. We are so glad that you are getting out in this great sunshine! We are always so happy to hear about your progress. You are in our thoughts and prayers every day, you're so strong and such an inspiration to us all.
    Sterling & Lisa
