Wednesday, July 7, 2010

DAY 110

Karson had to have another tooth removed and the dentist thinks there will be more that has to be taken out because of grinding the teeth. His antibotics are kicking in so he seems so much more relaxed. He was on the speaking valve today for 75 minutes which is another record for him. When he starts building up to 2 hours a day for a number of days, we will bring in a speech therapist to do a swollow test and if he passes three swollow tests then we can think about putting a button on his trache. His demo wheelchair should be here today so that we can make sure we are getting the right one. I know that he will love being wheeled outside. His heart rate is finally staying down which is a sign that the brain is healing. He makes positive improvements everyday which is making his recovery slow but sure. He loves all your blog comments of encouragement that I read to him. Thanks for taking the time to give him positive feedback. Your support is very important to his recovery. Thank you all so much.........Love to ALL


  1. Karson, You are doing great! Keep up the good work. I know it's hard but you ARE making progress! This will be your test in life and you will pass it! We love you - The Jorgensen's

  2. Keep it up Kars, you are in our prayers everyday, we know you are going to make it through this. Stay Strong! - Dust and Pegs

  3. It's so nice to hear that you are working hard and doing better! We're all praying for you. Keep it up!
    -Michelle F.

  4. Karson,
    You looked so great yesterday! I can tell that you are feeling much better and once again you have found the strength to overcome. A week ago you seemed tired and sick, but yesterday you were so alert! I love your smiles!!! Once again, that Karson Peterson DNA is kicking in and fighting the battle. I will keep praying for you every day and will be down to see you again soon. SO PROUD of your STRENGTH and ENDURANCE! You inspire me!!!

  5. So glad to hear more great news. Your strength and determination is truly an inspiration to us all. Can't wait to hear how much you love the wheelchair, it is so nice outside this time of year.
    Sterling & Lisa

  6. Dearest KARSON;
    I have been a little weird lately had to stay in bed and take fat pills (prednisone) oink,oink. Oh well its always something to get over right bud. Sounds like you are really getting stronger and stronger and pretty soon we can worry about oil spills or something else. When you go out in your wheel chair write me an e-mail and tell me how you liked it,
    All my love Maca Dimick, your spiritual grandma.

  7. Karson,
    I'm coming to see you on Sunday morning! I hope all goes well this week.
    Love ya,

  8. Karson,
    It is great to hear how you are doing. We are so happy that your sweet mother keeps us up to date on your progress and how you are improving. All my children have been home and they all send their love to you. We are coming up tomorrow for a few days. So we will stop by to say "Hi". Our thoughts and prayers are with you at all times.
    Aunt Lana

  9. Glad to hear you'll get some sweet new wheels buddy! Just make sure you're awake by football season, will ya? Miss ya buddy, talk to you soon.

  10. Kars, I hope you keep up the good work. I talked to your mom today and told her I would not be able to stop by today. I will stop by as soon as I can though. You are great. I hope you know how much I love you. I love seeing your progress. I love seeing how you love your mom and dad so much. You are blessed with a great family. I have been touched so many times by your parents in my life. I have been touched by you as well. You have impacted my life in so many ways for the better. I think of you often and just wish I was a magician. I want you to get out of the facility you are in so bad and be able to go home to your family. You are a great person and I love you very much. It is going to be hard to go a few days without being able to be see you, but I know you are in such good hands with your parents and all the others that help you each day. Love you lots,
