Saturday, June 12, 2010

DAY 85

This has been a real roller coaster ride for Karson and all involved. One day we see big improvements and then Karson has down days. He was on the speaking valve that closes off his trache and makes him breathe through his mouth and also makes sounds, all this week. He lasted one hour and 10 minutes which is his longest stretch ever. He is still biting his lip and grinding his teeth. We put the football mouth guard in but Karson soon spits it right out. We are hoping that he grows out of this part of the coma fast. If anyone is interested in learning more about comas, there is a Rancho Los Amigos Scale/The Levels of Coma that is very informative. Our family has been on the website and have learned a lot of how to care for Karson in his different stages. The website is The scale is from 1 - 8 and Karson is doing things in stage 3 and some of stage 4. We are working hard to be able to remove his trache which is a lengthy process because he has to be able to keep his airway open at all times. He does clear his throat sometimes on command but not always. Thanks for all your support. We will be forever grateful for your LOVE.


  1. Thanks for the information! The brain is still a bit of a mystery to medical science, isn't it! Karson, we are cheering every day for your recovery. It sounds like you are making progress with a few steps forward and one or two back each week. Try to be patient and just focus on one breath at a time. You've got lots of life ahead so relax while you can! It's sure hard but definitely worth the ride! We love you,
    The Jorgensen's

  2. Karson, we are all still here with you cheering you on every step of the way. Get well my friend.

  3. We love and pray for you all. Kaili and I visited Karson last Sunday. He is such a handsome young man. He seemed to turn toward me as I spoke to him, then back to Kaili on the other side when she spoke to him. I guess we are all learning patience. Please know how much we love you.
    Lisa and Mark

  4. Hello Karson, it is a Beautiful Sunny Sunday today, everyday is a beautiful day :] Good to learn that you are progressing, even if it is a day off and then one step ahead, we are still one step towards the goal of you waking up. All I know is that you will wake up, it may take more time than we like, however you will do it. The most important person is you, and everyone is patiently working, waiting and believing in that wonderful moment in life when you are fully with us again. You have wonderful people around you, a Big Thank You to all of them for their patience and strength. Keep at it, you are winning. Talk with you soon, Bruce

  5. Karson, still reading your updates constantly and keep you in my thoughts daily! You are so strong and you're in my prayers! Love to your family!

  6. Karson,
    We have had lots of questions wondering what you must be going through. Reading the information on the Website about the Levels of a Coma has helped us a lot. So happy to hear of those things you are able to do to improve. We know you are working very hard. Keep pushing and you will make it through this. We are all behind you and love you so.
    Aunt Lana and Family

  7. Karson,
    We were so happy to get the chance to come see you yesterday. We know you are working very hard. You are so lucky to have such great family and friends that love you so much. We will be back to visit again.
    Love to all of you.
    Sterling and Lisa

  8. Mike Susan and family
    We are not very commputer oriented, so you may not hear much from us. But we read hope and pray for all of you and Carsons recovery every day.
    Randal and Shelli

  9. Karson,
    We loved seeing you yesterday! You are so strong!! Keep it up! You have such a fabulous family who loves you so much! The pictures your mom put up in your room are so darling.
    We love you!!!
    Jared, Ashley & Zaida

  10. Hi Karson,
    We have a a little computer trouble lately but we are up and running now again. It was so good to see you the other day. We had a great time with you and your mom. Thanks so much Susan, for the web site regarding comas. It was very interesting to read. I was so excited to see the progress you have made Karson since the last time I saw you. Keep working hard. We know you are. We love you and your great family and you are all constantly in our thoughts and prayers. Everyone have a great day.
    We Love You
    Bruce and Val
