Thursday, June 17, 2010

DAY 90

Karson has a staff infection in his lungs. We caught it early and got him right on antibotics so we were thankful for that. He has been on the speaking valve for an hour everyday this week. We are working on him being on it as long as he can because it is the first step in downsizing the trache. After an hour, his stats starts to drop and he has to go back on oxygen. Karson gets really worked up when he is on the speaking valve because his Dad and I are constantly wanting him to use his vocal cords and try to form a word. I think he actually formed a swear word yesterday because I was making him work so hard. I see tiny improvements everyday which is a blessing in itself. If he can just stay physically healthy, then he seems to really progress. I am amazed at all the cards, emails, blog commentors, visitors and mostly love and prayers that all of you have given Karson. It is very rare that I am in the room alone with Karson because of the visitors that he has. I know he can't tell you this but it really does make a difference in him having people that he recognizes come and see him. Our family is very grateful for ALL of you. Love to ALL.


  1. We love you Karson!

  2. Sorry to hear about the infection; keep working hard Karson, we know you can do it. You are a very special young man, and we are praying for you always. You are so blessed to have awesome parents to help get you through this, even if they do make you want to swear sometimes ;) jk We sure do love you. Be strong bud, Love Ron, Lori and Fam

  3. Karson & Family: Again, we thank you for the updates. They mean so very much to us and through them, we feel such a part of your lives. Our thoughts and prayers are continually with each of you. We are sorry for the setback for our guy, but once again he shows his incredible strength and fighting spirit. And with his wonderful, loving and committed family, he continues to move forward---I believe as much for each one of you, as for himself. We love you Karson and family! Carrie, David and Bryan

  4. What up Kars its Levi... Me and Michelle enjoyed visiting with you today and liked that you were so lively with us! Michelle said you looked alot better today than yesterday. I thought you looked pretty dang good my man. I was surprised to just learn of your new infection...Like I promised you, I have my rehab across the street every Tuesday and should be able to come and visit more often those evenings. We wanted to smuggle you out of your room and take you to the midnight toy story 3 with us hahaha. Keep up the progress buddy dont let this little speed bump of an infection get you down! Me and Moses love you....

  5. Hello Karson, keep at it, you are winning, the world is with you. Every day is an improving day, We Believe in Your Healthy Recovery. A big thank you for all your family, friends and care givers who are with you daily, they are the true angels of compassion. Even if your first word is a swear word, we will be happy :}
    Take Care, talk with you soon, Bruce

  6. Just a short little note to let you know that we check and read the blog daily. So good to get the update on you because we are always thinking and wondering about you. We know you are working hard each day. It will be so nice when you can downsize the trache. It must be so uncomfortable. We sure hope you get over the staff infection soon. Keep fighting. We all love you.
    Aunt Lana

  7. Hey Karson it was great to see you Friday! Keep fighting we are praying for you, we know you can overcome this! We love you buddy!! Gene and Natalie

  8. Merry Father's day:
    Hope you are having a good day with your dad Karson. We are enjoying each other today,lots of food and diapers. Hope your infection has responded to the antibiotic. Maca got dental implants last week so you could view a movie on her face or land an airplane on it.Still love you guys. from Maca, remember when I used to be called Mar and Joe was Dar.
