Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 95

Karson has a terrible rash on his neck from a neck pillow that we thought would assist in holding his neck in place. He got it all sweaty and the nurses didn't realize how wet it really was and left it on all night. When I got in there, the rash looked awful. It looks like a really bad sunburn. We have been putting aloe vera on it and the wound specialist at the rehab, is working at getting it under control. Poor kid, if it is not one thing, it is another. We also think that he might have an infection in his mouth because of the mouth guard when he was grinding his teeth. He seldom grinds anymore so that is good. He was on the tilt table today for about 1/2 hour which makes him work hard. It stretches all his muscles in his legs and it must feel good to stand up after laying flat in a bed all the time. We are really hoping and praying for some improvements soon. Thanks to all of you for the support...........it means so very much to all of us.


  1. It wouldn't hurt to have him on an antifungal or yeast prevention medication, both a topical and a systemic. Karson, we love you and want you to feel better! Try each day but be patient too. You are an amazing kid and one tough cookie! Aunt Cyndi

  2. Kars,
    We are sorry to hear about your rash! Keep up all your hard work! We love you and continue to pray for you daily!!!!

  3. Karson, we are coming up to Provo the week after the 4th of July. I will come see you. I hope you know that we pray for you and your family everyday. Everyone says that you are a fighter! I believe it. Keep working hard. Can't wait to visit you. Love ya,
    Cousin Mindy

  4. Hello Karson, sorry to learn of the rash on your neck, you will overcome it, like you have already overcame so much, already. Summer is offically here, it is light out til 9 PM ! Such a wonderful time of year, you are probably enjoying it too, in your own special way. The tilt table sounds interesting, like your Mom said it must make you feel a lot better, getting in a good stretch after spending time in bed. Progress in the fact you are not grinding your teeth as much, good work, keep up the good effort. Always remind yourself, the world is with you, in spirit and strength, We Believe in Your Healthy Recovery. A Big Thank You to everyone who comes by to visit with you, also all the medical staff, your family, friends and all those who keep you in their prayers. You are winning Karson, you will win and will wake up to all the people who have been patiently waiting and believing in the power of miracles. Talk with you soon, Bruce

  5. Karson-
    Hang in there. We love you all.

  6. Karson and Family,
    Grandma and I put your name in the temple again today. While we were there today, I just couldn't get you off my mind. So sad to hear that you are having some problems. You are going to get through this no matter how long it takes. Keep working and you will keep improving everyday. We love you.
    Aunt Lana
